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Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project

News & Updates


PEMM Update No. 6: Status of Data

September 8, 2024

by Wendy Laura Belcher

PEMM has collected a lot of data since 2018.

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PEMM Publication: Chapter in Ethiopia at the Crossroads

April 16, 2024

by PEMM Staff

Four members of the PEMM research staff published a chapter in an exhibit volume.

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Media Coverage of PEMM in Tablet

February 12, 2024

by Maggie Phillips

Article about PEMM in the Jewish news and information site Tablet.

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Media Coverage of PEMM on Princeton Home Page

December 20, 2023

by Jamie Saxon

A Princeton humanities project shares a vast digital ‘Miracles of Mary’ collection of centuries-old African stories and art

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PEMM Publication: Dataset 2.0 Published on Zenodo

August 21, 2023

by PEMM STaff

PEMM has published its second data set in the online repository Zenodo.

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PEMM Update No. 3: Winning Two Large NEH Awards

August 24, 2021

by Wendy Laura Belcher and Evgeniia Lambrinaki

Update on grants awarded to PEMM: two three-year National Endowment for the Humanities major grants.

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PEMM Update No. 1: Progress Report on 2020

February 12, 2021

by Wendy Laura Belcher and Evgeniia Lambrinaki

Update on progress between February 2020 and February 2021.

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Media Coverage of PEMM on CDH Website

December 22, 2020

by Camey VanSant

Princeton's Center for Digital Humanities blog post on PEMM as part of a series on multilingual DH at the CDH.

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Summer Program in Washington Caps Year of Princeton Collaboration with Howard University

August 8, 2024

by Daniel Day

The Howard University Center for African Studies hosted a summer institute for 6th through 12th grade teachers on using the Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project in their classes.

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PEMM Wins Digital Humanities Award

April 9, 2024

by PEMM Staff

PEMM is among the winners of the DH Awards 2023.

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Media Coverage of PEMM in Aleteia

February 6, 2024

by John Burger

Article about PEMM in the Art & Culture section of the Catholic news and information site Aleteia.

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PEMM Update No. 4: Website Soft Launch

December 20, 2023

by PEMM Staff

After five years of development, the PEMM project officially launched to wide acclaim on December 21, 2023.

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CDH Project Charter: Princeton Ethiopian Miracles of Mary 2019-20

November 3, 2021

by Wendy Laura Belcher, Rebecca Sutton Koeser, et al

The charter of the PEMM project was created with the Princeton University Center for Digital Humanities team in 2019, laying out the rationale, goals, plan of work, resources needed, terms and conditions, and outcomes of the PEMM Project.

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PEMM Update No. 2: Google Sheets as a Database

April 1, 2021

by Wendy Laura Belcher

An article about using Google Sheets as a lightweight relational database.

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PEMM Publications: Is a Spreadsheet a Database?

February 11, 2021

by Rebecca Sutton Koeser

An article about the advantages and disadvantages of using Google Sheets as a lightweight relational database.

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PEMM Update No. 5: Site Has Been Live for Six Months

June 15, 2024

by Wendy Laura Belcher

PEMM launched in early January 2024, and is going strong 6 months later, with lots of engagement from the public.

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Media Coverage by The Centre for Marian Studies

April 15, 2024

by CMS

The Centre for Marian Studies in the UK works toward educational advancement in all matters regarding the Virgin Mary.

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Media Coverage of PEMM in Brittle Paper

January 29, 2024

by Kuhelika Ghosh

"PEMM is a stunning African digital humanities project and one of the few in existence today! We highly recommend you check out the website and support this massive research endeavor to uncover the Marian tradition in Africa."

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PEMM at the Walters Museum's Ethiopia at the Crossroads Exhibit

December 2, 2023

by PEMM Staff

Members of the PEMM team contributed to the exhibit catalog and attended the opening in Baltimore, MD of a new Ethiopian manuscripts and paintings exhibit.

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Media Coverage of PEMM in University World News

September 2, 2021

by Nathan Green, University World News 

An article in University World News about the PEMM project, it's goals, and the NEH grants

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Media Coverage of PEMM on Princeton Humanities Council website

August 18, 2021

by Lisa Kraege

An article about the PEMM project receiving two major NEH grants.

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Media Coverage of PEMM by CDH

August 27, 2021

by CDH

An article titled "Folklore about How the Virgin Mary Helps Believers in Ethiopian Literature and Art" by the CDH on its support of the PEMM project through: a 2019–2020 Research Partnership; 2018–2019 Dataset Curation grant; and 2018–2019 Public Digital Humanities support.

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pricenton ethiopian eritrean & egyptian miracles of marry project

The Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project is a comprehensive resource for the 1,000+ miracle stories written about and the 2,500+ images painted of the Virgin Mary in these African countries, and preserved in Geʿez between 1300 and the present.

Princeton Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08540

Princeton Department of African American Studies Morrison Hall, Princeton, NJ 08540

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